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Matlab version of the OpenPIV project (open source Particle Image Velocimetry)

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Open PIV

OpenPIV - what is it for?

OpenPIV is an initiative of scientists to develop a software, algorithms and methods for the state-of-the-art experimental tool of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) which are free, open source, and easy to operate. OpenPIV is the successor of the well known URAPIV software - it is faster, more friendly and much more flexible. OpenPIV is provided using Matlab, Python or 32bit Windows executable (based on C++ and Qt source).

How to contribute ?

  1. Get a Github account
  2. Visit our Git repositories through OpenPIV on Github link
  3. Fork the selected repository
  4. Fix, commit, push to your repository and send us a pull request

Getting started tutorials

  1. Matlab - see the new Tutorial PDF and the screencast
  2. Python - Python version tutorial
  3. C++ - help is embedded in the package

Support and documentation

How to get support? Where to ask questions?

  • Google group!forum/openpiv-users
  • E-mail to
  • More information

    Note that if you use older than 2014b Matlab version, you should use the released version 1.1

    Frequently asked questions

    How to cite this work

    Ben Gida, H., Gurka, R., and Liberzon, A. "OpenPIV-MATLAB — An open-source software for particle image velocimetry; test case: Birds’ aerodynamics," SoftwareX, 12, 100585, 2020. URL:

    Our future ideas, extension proposals and projects

    See OpenPIV Extension Proposals (OEP)