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Matlab version of the OpenPIV project (open source Particle Image Velocimetry)

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Projects and proposals

There are three major projects:

1. C++ core functions
2. GUI development in Python, using TraitsUI and PyQt
3. New algorithms and extensions (use any platform - Matlab, Python or C++)

Goals to consider

1. Remain cross-platform
2. Maximize processing efficiency
3. Minimize number of required libraries

1. C++ core functions project:

1. URAPIV-C++ tests and debugging (starting from the source tarball _0.1)

2. GUI development in Python, using TraitsUI and PyQt

1. Develop GUI using TraitsUI, identical to Qt GUI from URAPIV-C++ (see the snapshot and /PyQT branch)

2. Develop Python callback functions (using PyPIV functions as a basis)

3. Develop Python-C++ bindings to allow use of URAPIV-C++ core functions from the GUI

3. New algorithms and extensions (use any platform - Matlab, Python or C++)

General Processing Preparations

1. Multi-threading support

2. Image masking

Processing Schemes

1. Image deformation

2. Direct correlation

3. Rectangular grid


1. HDF5 output (and input for vector display)

2. Cross-platform image pair extraction from common video formats